In a world of textbooks and tests, an inquisitive teacher saw the troubles in education and left her classroom to scour the globe for answers...

Once upon a time a curious teacher sat beneath a tree, pondering a thought that buzzed like a bee…

“Surely real learning isn't about filling our heads with facts; it's about nourishing ourselves with the wisdom for a well-lived life.”

Off she went, exploring the globe and observing different classrooms. She began to notice something missing - the sparkle of learning about real life: how to nurture ourselves, support our communities and cherish the Earth we all call home.

Inspired by her travels, she created Triple WellBeing® - a forgotten recipe focused on caring for ourselves, each other and our planet.

Schools eagerly embraced it, and young hearts and minds blossomed with awareness, compassion and activation, filling the teacher with hope for a healthier new era in education.

The teacher wrote a book to share these learnings. Grab your free copy to dive deep into the practice, principles and possibilities of Triple WellBeing®.

As the idea took root, others began to join her under the tree, each bringing their unique wisdom and experience

Rachel Musson
Director of Education

Holly Everett
Director of Community

Annie Tempest
Education Advisor

Alex Brenan
Marketing & Development

Paul Warwick
Systems Change Facilitator

Prashant Goel
Systems Change Advisor

Jon Rae
Community Advisor

Gemma Adams
Strategy Advisor

We’re all here because we care—deeply and personally

When you meet us, you'll feel it immediately - a shared pulse, driven by a common purpose. For us, this is more than dedication; it's a tangible energy that fuels us to co-create a healthier world. Here, every day is about redefining education with care and conviction. We are integral members of a global network of educators, whom we refer to as our "mycelium of Triple WellBeing practitioners," all united in our commitment to collectively transform education. Join us and be part of something real, something powerful. We’re not just talking about change - we’re living it.

See how we can help you…