The Chrysalis
Where ideas hatch and transformations begin
Just as a chrysalis heralds a butterfly's emergence, this blog explores the transformative shifts reshaping education
The world we live in is really tough. We are all facing a barrage of stress and overwhelm, complexities and challenges. Having the capacity to weather the storms as they come is arguably one of the most profoundly important elements we can work on in our lives.
Resourcing ourselves, strengthening our resilience and focusing on wellbeing are not ‘nice things to do’ - they are essential qualities of activism to support anything else we may wish to do now and in the future to support a thriving world.
We were not born to centre our entire existence around work and productivity, yet there is an oppressiveness that pervades our culture which prevents us from looking up long enough to see the power we each hold to reclaim our right to be human and live as humanely as we can...
In every school I’ve ever worked in, one of my favourite people has always been the caretaker…perhaps one of the most essential roles in the world right now…
One of the things I used to love about summer-time was cutting the grass. It put me into a state of instant nostalgia; the smell of cut grass taking me back…
I often call myself an 'inconvenient woman'.It's not a role I particularly cherish, but it is a role I've fully accepted, especially when talking about sustainability…
Last night I went to the cinema to watch 'Wilding' - a beautiful film celebrating one of the most significant rewilding projects in Europe…
Are you inside our outside right now? I remember being asked this question by Dr Stephan Harding during a lecture taking place inside a large indoor theatre…
Where does courage come from? If I said "cold-water, hugging people and humming", you'd probably think I was trying too hard to answer the question…
What happens when you begin a day with gratitude? This is a question I’ve explored a lot over the years, both to support my own resilience in this crazy-beautiful world…
Have you ever taken a wonder-wander? Any of you with small children will know that going for a walk is never about the length. You rarely get far and certainly not fast…
Last night I hosted a Jeffersonian dinner for a visiting group of education ministers and leaders. During the 1800s when Thomas Jefferson was the US President…
What do you hope for the world in 2100? It's hard to think about a timescale so far from where we are now - particularly when most folks reading this…