Triple WellBeing® Manifesto

A healthier you. A healthier us. A healthier planet.

Triple WellBeing® shows us that individual, community and planetary wellbeing are not just connected—they're fundamentally dependent on each other. By fully embracing this relationship, we set in motion a cycle of wellbeing that uplifts every aspect of life.

  • It's about taking care of ourselves, not just for our own sake but as the starting point for wider change.

  • It’s about taking care of each other, appreciating that it’s our diversity which strengthens us, and a shared respect which unites us.

  • It’s about taking care of our planet, revitalising ecosystems for a vibrant and sustainable future for the next generations.

Living life through Triple WellBeing® means understanding that our actions affect not only ourselves, but the wellbeing of our communities and our planet. It's about making intentional choices that benefit all life today, and help pave the way for a healthier tomorrow.

We're committed to action on every level— adopting habits, mindsets and lifestyles that promote Triple WellBeing® across the board: personally, professionally and organisationally.  

Let's harness our collective energy to enrich life at every turn. It's not just about fixing what's wrong—it's about amplifying what's right, invigorating our world with positivity and renewal. It's about making choices that truly matter. When we uplift life, we all thrive.

The Triple WellBeing® Book

In a world beset by personal, social and environmental crises, 'business-as-usual' schooling methods feel inadequate. The Triple WellBeing® Book emerges as a challenge to the status quo, daring us to rethink the essence of how we live and learn together.

This isn't a rehash of educational theories but a radical manifesto for systemic change. It argues that securing a liveable future requires balancing our personal wellbeing (self-care) with that of our communities (people-care) and the planet (earth-care). It demonstrates how the health of one is inextricably linked to the health of all.

Leveraging over a decade of action-research in ancient wisdom, relational neuroscience and transformative learning, the book delves into the root causes of our intersectional crises, offering strategies to heal and rebuild our collective wellbeing.

The book addresses essential questions such as: What is the purpose of education? How can education heal rather than harm? How do we build caring communities and instil a commitment to environmental stewardship in young people?

It calls for profound, sustained and deliberate change - pushing us past quick fixes toward a healthier, more enduring future where all life can flourish.

The new edition is FREE and arrives in May 2024.
Let us notify you - be ready to see things differently.